Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Evening Realizations

This evening I was halfway though milking the second group of goats when I realized "this is my job". It was such a simple realization and yet, so new.  I felt excited for myself.  "I work with animals" I thought for the first time.  "I am doing exactly what I want to be doing".  Driving home the fog had lifted, both literally and figuratively.  And for the first time in a minute, I could see my life clearly in its entirety.  I am exactly where I want to be and there is literally not a thing standing in my way.

How many people my age can say they get paid to do exactly their dream job?  I would hazard a guess that the answer is very few at most.  I am so lucky to live in a warm, lovely house with a warm, lovely man, to have a job that I adore, working with these sweet and intelligent creatures who surprise me and teach me every day.  And to be constantly learning new skills that enrich my life and make me a happier, more complete individual.

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