Thursday, June 7, 2012

Having it All

Today was a great one on the farm!  This morning started with an absolute downpour.  Holy shit, did it rain!  But by 11am the skies were mercifully clear and we got a lot of work done.  Tomatillos were planted, as were lots of tomatoes into containers other than mother earth.

First of all, let me begin by explaining how many freakin' kinds of tomatoes we grow here on le farm.  They come in all shapes, sizes and colors, and they all serve different purposes.  Many of them have completely excellent names like  Kentucky Beefsteak or Green Zebra.  The ones you see here are bred for the express purpose of being grown in containers.  In these 5-gallon buckets we've got varieties like Polish Dwarf and Nebraska Wedding (the great names just keep coming).  They are going to live out their remaining days in potting soil mixed with compost and Perlite.  Soil is still such a mystery to me. How does it work!??!

Here's a totally studly picture of me playing guitar.  I'm sure it sounds like an enormous piece of poop, but at least I look cool while I do it.  Sometimes, like just now, I have to be my own cheerleader.  Today as I was planting tomatillos, I felt efficient and capable, so I told myself "hey Lucy, you're really good at doing stuff".  But in that instant I realized how little I know about anything on this farm, or in the world as a whole. And I was humbled.

Speaking of people who do know a lot about the world, this afternoon I was visited by my friend and mentor, who brought wisdom and smiles as always.  Sometimes it takes seeing your world through someone else's eyes to really appreciate what you have.  I knew I had it good out here on the farm, and today I realized--
I have it all.

P.S.  Yes, I do realize this is the corniest post of all time.

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