Monday, January 14, 2013

The Road Trip pt. 1

The video above represents what most of the country, between Memphis and Fresno, basically looked like to me.  Big, flat, repetitive.  The McDonalds restaurants outnumber the tumbleweeds, but not by a lot.  That said, there was a lot of this country that made a much more positive impression on me.  North Carolina and Kentucky were both really beautiful and not as culturally foreign as I may have thought.

After departing from Brooklyn in the early afternoon on December 16th, Pete and I headed for Harper's Ferry, West Virginia where we spent the night and had some beers at a funny local restaurant.  Our place for the night was at an unspeakably quaint little B&B owned by a young family.  
We were fed eggs, sausage and blueberry pie! for breakfast the next morning.  And into the fog we drove, through Virginia and into North Carolina where we took the famous Skyline drive through the Blue Ridge mountains and Shenandoah National Park.

Photo-op in Virginia

Lookin' like a chump in Virginia

Pete felled his first tree

North Carolina and Kentucky were wonderful for the people we stayed with and the hospitality we were shown, but boy oh boy, once we left Kentucky there was a whole lot of nothing.  We were so happy when we finally reached Tucumcari, NM.  The West we had entered.

Next installment to follow after I make dinner for a tall and hungry man.

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