Monday, October 1, 2012

Counting Blessings pt. 2

Alright folks, another Monday has gone by the wayside and it’s time to count my blessings again (I’m going to try not to repeat things previously counted).

1.  The kindness of others.  When people are kind to each other just for the sake of being kind, sharing for the sake of sharing, smiling and saying hello without any selfish motivation, this is the meaning of community.  This is how the world should be.

2.  Big, beautiful, domesticated animals.  Recently I’ve spent a fair amount of time around goats (duh), horses, cows and even a pig or two.  These animals are all so full of spirit and fun to be around.  Rabbits and chickens are nice too, but I just love working with big animals.  They take the edge off being human.

3.  Wonderful women.  My life is bursting at the seams with excellent female role models from so many walks of life.  In particular the lady-farmers I have met this summer have been an inspiration beyond all else.

4.  Cross-generational friendships.  Of course, I love people my own age but some of my most gratifying relationships are with people ten, twenty and thirty years my senior.  By the same token, being around children provides me with a sense of wonder I often lack.

5.  My eye(s).  I trust my aesthetic eye and believe I am always evolving it.  I take pleasure in beholding objects.  Also I am thankful simply for my ability to see.

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