Monday, August 20, 2012

Stinky Capitalist

In my last post, I mentioned my embarrassment at coming off like a stinky capitalist.  I figured for this post it only made sense to ride with it and parce that thought out.  Simply put, the question is how does one make money as an organic farmer?  I went to Powell's yesterday and bought The Encyclopedia of Country Living, which gives information on topics like "what to do if you accidentally give birth into a toilet bowl".  It has other (much) more useful information too, like "how to make a profit on a farm" or "what to feed your rabbits).

Here's a mixture of the Book's and my own interpretation of how to make some profit:

Raise something both uncommon and in demand.  This may mean raising a special variety (or a number of them) of a popular crop.  Having a strong potential market ensures that it will sell easily.

Out-of-Season Scarcity: alternately you can grow a crop at a time during which it is not normally available.  This will also tip the supply/demand scale in your favor.

Squirrel Away Money Like It's Your Job and only spend profit keenly and as needed to further your profits. Always work to increase your working capital (i.e. how much you have in the bank).

Keep Overhead Low & Pay Your Bills on Time -- Thanks LD

Buy Good Livestock/Seeds and Take Excellent Care of Them

"Work just as hard, boldly and creatively at marketing your product as you did at raising it."  Enough said.  Marketing is extremely important so put in the effort.

Sell at Retail Price thereby collecting the middle-man's profit, heh heh heh

So there are some ways to make money.  Of course, I still know next-to-nothing about any of this, and most of what I say is parroted or pure conjecture.  But hey, you're reading it right?  Now for some unstinky business.


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