Thursday, August 8, 2013

Finally Some Time Off

Well I dove head first into my new job last week, working 8 days straight, 8 hours a day.  But I can't complain, I am stoked about my new job!  My co-workers are awesome, so are my supervisors and I am learning new stuff everyday.  The time flew by pretty quickly.  My only concern in being surrounded by delicious cheese all day long.  Gotta bump up the exercise routine and do away with the snacks, yo!

Wednesday was my first day off since starting the job and I spent the day hiking and sleeping.  With some eating and drinking too.  My friend Clare, one of the coolest farmers this side of the Mississippi, was here in Oakland to conduct some wine business and I tricked her into staying at my house so I could hang with her!  Ha ha!

I'm starting to think the theme of this blog should be the "Bay Area Dog Owner", because so much of what I do revolves around little Roscoe, who is currently snuggled up with his stuffed zebra playmate.  I've found that a great many parks in the East Bay allow dogs to be off-leash!  It's amazing!  It's grand.  The downside is that we got a little too close to a herd of cattle on Wednesday morning in Briones.  I was glad to have Clare, an owner of both Catahoulas and Cattle, at my side during this slightly terrifying debacle (the fear, of course, is that Roscoe would get kicked in the head or the vital organs by an angry cow).  All of a sudden there is Roscoe on yonder hill and I am screaming my absolute head off at him.  Round and round the cows he circles, barking like the mad puppy he is.  In a minute he had all the cows in a tight cluster and was feeling pretty good about himself, so he decided to heed my emphatic command and make his way back to mama.  That little jerk.  Little impressive jerk.

Today Roscoe, Buddy, Lainey (a human friend) and I all went out to San Ramon to check out Las Trampas Regional Wilderness.  It was nice.  Bay and Oak trees dotted the landscape of rolling golden hills of dry grass.  The weather was warm, sunny and breezy.  It was a lovely late afternoon hike and a good chance to break in my hiking boots before I GO TO YOSEMITE on my next day off.  Caaaaan't wait.

For dinner Lainey and I made nachos by pouring all the fridge leftovers on some chips and baking them.  It was pretty aight.  Now I'm ready to sleep some more and go back to work, fresh as a whistle tomorrow.

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