Howdy folks! Can you believe it's Friday again? I can't. In the past week I've had my first two cheese-making lessons and I scored a second job to help fill my empty schedule and my pockets with wads of cash.
The cheese-making is really fun and I love hanging out and learning from Jan. She's a spitfire for sure and she cracks me up. She also makes some damn fine goat cheese and is all too modest about it. Here she is to the left making some Camembert.
Cheese-making is tough work and requires a whole lot of cleaning and sanitizing of various vats and pasteurizers. Jan likes me because I have long arms (and highly flexible shoulders...a personal trainer once said I had the most flexible shoulders he'd ever seen baby! What!) and can reach across to the other side of the pasteurizer to clean it. Yee.
My second job is working here (above) every day from 10am til noon cleaning out a horse barn. I shovel shit for ten dollars an hour. It's very glamorous and I'm sure you are all dying to know what it's like.
This is Coco the Thoroughbred. She is super sweet and lovely. My boss says Coco would curl up on your lap if she could.
Here is some horse poop. They poop a lot and the lady I work for has ten of them. That's a lot of poop, people!
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