Saturday, October 13, 2012

Six Ideas For A Great Day

One of the strangest things about internet access is that at 10 o'clock on a Saturday night in 2012 I am capable of logging onto my 8th grade history teacher's website and seeing what his class is up to this week [finishing up the American Revolution].  Anyway, I did that and then I found this and liked it.  

So now I'm sharing...

Six Ideas For A Great Day
1. Try to strengthen your mind by reading something that requires thought and concentration.
2. Try to do someone a good turn and not get found out.
3. Try to do a task that needs to be done, but you have put off.
4. Try to go the whole day without finding fault with anyone. And be easy on yourself, too.
5. Try to spend a quiet ½ hour by yourself to gain perspective and peace.
6. Try to be happy; enjoy what is beautiful; believe that those you love, love you.
Author Unknown

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