Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Hutch Completed

The only thing more fun than being an ass-kicking, bone-breaking, rabbit-killing organic farmer is eating brownies and ice cream all day long.  And the only thing more fun than that is completing long-term projects!  Early this week, two important projects on the farm got crossed off the infinitely long to-do list.  We finished our garlic harvest, for one.  And secondly, I put the last nail in the rabbit hutch I've been building intermittently for over a month now.  Here's a picture of me with the thing:
I was feeling pretty sweaty and proud when this photo was taken. 

I had so much fun building the hutch I’m almost sorry it’s over (although I feel tremendously relieved that Stewart the Buck now has a proper home).  In the late afternoon I would take off my straw hat, pour a tall glass of water (sometimes beer), crank up the NPR and get to work building  the hutch on the shady lawn behind the barn.  

Call it decompression or female empowerment, it just felt good to have something uncomplicated and not stressful to hammer away at for an hour or so.  And now it's done, and it even works!  Well!  I do plan to add some more roofing (of the tin variety) before the rain comes.  Next project will be to improve the hutch our two does are living in and build some nest boxes for when they have their babies in many many months from now.  I would also like to configure a better system for watering the rabbits, because I am unconvinced that the normal water feeders used for these animals are effective.  In fact, I would go as far as to call them "defective" for the most part.

That's the end of this ramble, thanks for watching!

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